Seoul Mates

We've got Seoul, yes we do! We've got Seoul- how 'bout you?! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

06 August, 2006

Drinking is good for the Seoul

Yesterday, Johan & I went shopping. I bought this newfangled thing called a digital camera in Yongsan. It's a camera, but it doesn't need film!! I swear- what will they think of next?! At first, I was like, "What's the point?" Apparently, it's so I can take dirty pictures without having to worry about the film technician publishing copies on the internet. It's very pretty. It's a Nikon Coolpix S5, if you care about that. It's red! Then we went to Myeong-Dong (heh heh, Dong), and Johan bought some snazzy new threads at American Apparel. Because we support the American Economy! I mean, otherwise, the terrorists would win, right? Or they would've already won. Or we'd be terrorists. Or something. Freaking terrorists.

At night, we met up with a bunch of friends at Raw in Apgujeong, our favorite Sushi restaurant. It's on Rodeo Drive! Can you believe those bastards from Beverly Hills stole the name for their street from the Koreans?! I eat the sushi without fish, because I think it's wrong to eat fish. They are not put on Earth for us to trap in nets and brutally take their lives by suffocation and put their corpses on top of a ball of rice and seaweed. They're here so they can swim around in small bowls for our enjoyment. Plus I think it's weird that a lot of people don't seem to notice they taste like absolute crap. The people at Raw think it's hilarious when we order sushi with no fish. They really like us and always give us complementary deep-fried ice cream. We've been there twice this week. Whenever somebody comes to town from Johan's company, we go there.

Then we went to a place that had fruit soju. We had apple (which we drank out of hollowed-out apples!) and pineapple (which we drank out of hollowed-out apples!). Then we ate the hollowed-out apples! Then we went back to our friend Paul's hotel room for a bit (is there anyone who possibly cares what his hotel room looked like? No, I just like linking), then off to some club in Hongdae. Then to the water pipe bar next door!

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It was cool, with a pond in the middle, and little tables and pillows all over. Some people tried to peer pressure me into smoking, but I just said, "NO!" I'm probably the only one the anti-drug campaigns have worked on that I know, but the only thing that's going into my lungs is good old-fashioned pollution.

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Man, are we cute. See how I bought red contacts to match my eyes to my shirt? Because that's what ritzy people who eat on Rodeo Drive do.

Then we went home and Johan is hung over and sleeping still. THE END!


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