Seoul Mates

We've got Seoul, yes we do! We've got Seoul- how 'bout you?! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

25 October, 2007

40 lashes with a wet noodle.

What is an eyelash studio, anyhow?!
This is in Osaka, Japan, where I went on vacation a few weeks ago. I tried to loiter inconspicuously, to see somebody come out so I could get a look at their lashes, but the place didn't seem too popular.

21 October, 2007


The toilets at my school all look like this- no Western toilets, only squatters. Actually, there is at least one Western toilet at my school, but it's used as the storage closet for the mops and stuff. It doesn't work. There isn't any toilet paper in the bathrooms, everyone has to bring their own. The students do the cleaning. I think it's like this in all public schools in Korea- students take a half hour or so each day to clean up the school- mop, clean the bathrooms, take out the trash, etc. You might be surprised by this, but they aren't very dedicated cleaners, and the bathrooms usually are a bit gross. The wastepaper basket in the picture is for the toilet paper- people in Korea throw the paper away instead of flushing it so as not to clog the pipes. I'm a rebel, though, and I always flush my paper. I don't know, I guess I just like life on the edge.
It's funny, because Korea either has the most basic toilets (well... I guess a hole in the ground would be more basic. Whatever. Don't try to use your crazy logic on me.), or the fanciest toilets. There are no etiquette bells in our school bathrooms, either. It's pretty barbaric. People might actually know I'm peeing in there, which disgusts me.

14 October, 2007

Chic dogs

A lot of people have little dogs as pets here. Not too many big dogs, since most people live in apartments here in and around Seoul. Often, the dogs' ears, feet, and tail are dyed, like the poodle here. I've seen orange, green, pink, and blue dogs. This sign is from Everland, a Korean amusement park where they have a zoo section. This was part of the dog exhibit, right across from the tigers. Dogs at a zoo?! That's just crazy! & none of the dogs were even dyed. Stylish dogs at a zoo- I can accept that. Plain old dogs... not so much.
