Seoul Mates

We've got Seoul, yes we do! We've got Seoul- how 'bout you?! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

05 February, 2007

Back in Korea

Goodbye Malaysia, Hello Korea! Goodbye vacation, hello everyday life. Goodbye lounging around, sightseeing, and eating great Indian food, hello drudgery. There's a ton of laundry to do, and the apartment is all dusty and messy, and I have to cook my own food and make my own bed now! Blah! I miss vacation!
Our last night in Malaysia, we stayed at the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, which is this restored house from the 1800s where this rich Chinese guy lived.

It was fabulous! There were courtyards, and antiques, and the rooms were all decorated individually.

It made it hard to leave Malaysia. We should have stayed at the crappy places at the end of the trip instead of the beginning. I'll have to remember for next time...


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