Losing my Seoul
Johan just left to go to the airport. He's going to Sweden for a few weeks. So am I, for that matter, but I'm not leaving until tomorrow!! How will I survive, all alone (except for our roommate, Rasmus)??!! I'm so alone, alone, alone... The silence is really starting to get to me. It pulsates like a large bongo drum. The walls are closing in, closer and closer, and the oxygen levels are getting low. It's been forever since I've even seen another human being. I thought I saw some movement out the window, but it was only one of those black floater spots on my eye. I've named him Harold, anyway, and he is now my closest- and only- friend. My vocal cords have begun to atrophy from not speaking, and I can only force out a strangled gurgle. My hair has reverted to it's wild state, and I've abandoned clothes, since they're a painful reminder of the civilization that I've left behind.
Here is a picture of me & Johan from happier, shinier times:
& one from the bad, deformed times:
Uh, in other news, I'm going to this music competition thing tonight in Ittaewon. My friend Kane is in the finals! Woooooo! Good luck, Kane (not that you know about this blog & are going to read my encouragement... but I'm sending positive vibes your way)!
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