Because it's my thing to write in non-chronilogical order, and apparently it's also my thing to write about food constantly, here's what we ate at Christmas. It's a traditional Swedish
julbord. First you start with the cold food, which is fish, meats, cheese, bread, and sallads.
You should also know that there were only six of us eating all this. It lasted for 3 meals while we were there, and there were no signs of it running out any time soon. & this was smaller than it has been in the past!
Let's take a closer look at some of the main points, shall we? Come on!
The FishOooooh, the fish. Two of us didn't eat fish at all, and one more person only ate salmon. So almost all the fish was for 3 people. To the left is smoked eel, smoked salmon, amd pickled salmon. In the small containers there is herring. Herring in mustard sauce, fried herring, herring in dill sauce, and... three other types of herring that I'm not sure what they are. This was a major reduction in the usual amount of fish Johan's family has. When I ate Christmas dinner at their house two years ago, there were like five different types of salmon, including garlic salmon, which I actually tasted.
The green cheeseIt's oh-so-green! I love it! It was cheese with basil! It tasted like pesto, which is one of my favorite things! I love strangely colored food!
After the cold food, you eat
the hot food!There was a quiche-like pie with broccoli, feta, sundried tomatoes, these onion-potato roll things, prince sausages, meatballs, brown cabbage (which smells really funky, and I actually forgot to taste it, but I think it tastes a lot better than it smells), and boiled potatoes (not pictured, but I'm pretty sure you can imagine what they looked like).
We drank beer, Christmas cola, schnapps, and Fanta with dinner. They have Christmas beer in Sweden, but we drank normal, cheap, German beer instead.
After you've eaten like four plates full, it's time for dessert! We had a roll cake, which is my favorite. It's like chocolate cake with a butter-cream filling. & there was ris a la malta, which is like rice pudding mixed with cream and topped with cherry preserves. & there were almond mussles, which are these shell cookies that you put whipped cream and cherry preserves in (although I skipped the cream, because Swedish whipped cream isn't sweet, so I don't like it) (I could have also skipped the cookies, because I just love the cherry preserves). & we had chocolate candy & chips (cheesy puffs!).
And by then it was like 1am, and it was time for bed. & when we woke up the next morning, we did it all again.
Okay, next time I'll try not to post about food. Maybe. Unless I eat something fascinating in the next few days. Or if nothing else post-worthy happens to me. Or if I feel like posting about food.